How You Can Become An Agent of Change

How You Can Become An Agent of Change
By Pastor Alexander Redd
October 31, 2023

"Then Peter replied, "I see very clearly that God shows no favoritism. In every nation, he accepts those who fear him and do what is right." (Acts 10:34-35 NLT)

It is important to remember that God does not show favoritism. As believers in Christ, this message has a significant impact on our daily lives. In the Bible, we see this message repeated many times, most notably in today's reading in Acts 10:34-35, which reminds us that God's love knows no limits and that He accepts everyone who respects Him and does what is right, regardless of their race, social status, or gender.  

This message challenges us to examine our beliefs and prejudices. For example, Peter, a religious Jew, meets Cornelius, who is not Jewish. This encounter challenges Peter's beliefs and prejudices, and he realizes that God accepts everyone who respects Him and does what is right. In other parts of the Bible, such as Galatians 3:28 and Romans 2:11, we are reminded that in Christ, there are no divisions based on race, social status, or gender and that God judges everyone fairly, without any favoritism.  

Understanding this truth has a significant impact on how we live our lives. It means that we should treat everyone with respect and equality, regardless of their race, social status, or gender. We should love our neighbors as ourselves, without discrimination or prejudice, as Mark 12:31 tells us. Living out this principle requires us to look at ourselves and confront biases or prejudices. We should have an inclusive mindset and show God's love to everyone. By embracing the fact that God shows favoritism, our interactions with others can improve. 

We can create a community that reflects God's inclusive and unconditional love, where everyone feels valued and accepted.  In a world that often thrives on division and discrimination, this message challenges us to break down the barriers that society erects and to see each person as a unique creation of God, deserving of love and acceptance. In our workplaces, schools, and communities, we can actively seek to create an environment where everyone feels heard, valued, and respected. We can advocate for justice and equality, speaking out against any form of discrimination or prejudice. 

By doing so, we become agents of change, spreading God's love and breaking down the walls that divide us.  Furthermore, understanding that God doesn't play favorites encourages us to step out of our comfort zones and engage with people who are different from us. It pushes us to build relationships and learn from one another's experiences. In doing so, we grow in empathy, understanding, and compassion. But accepting this truth goes beyond mere actions and interactions. 

It requires a change of heart and a transformation of our attitudes and beliefs. It calls us to examine our own biases and prejudices and to surrender them to God's transforming power. It challenges us to constantly seek growth and renewal, allowing God to shape us into individuals who reflect His love and acceptance. 

Ultimately, living out the message of Acts 10:34-35 requires a conscious effort to align our lives with the principles of equality, justice, and love embodied in God's character. It is a daily commitment to treat others with fairness and respect, to advocate for those who are marginalized, and to continually examine and challenge our own biases. May we all be inspired by the truth that God doesn't show favoritism, and may our lives be a testament to His inclusive love as we strive to create a world where everyone is valued for who they are.

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