Attaining A Clear Mind

Attaining A Clear Mind
By Pastor Alexander Redd
July 17, 2023

Romans 12:2 is a verse that speaks about transformation and renewal. It says, "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by renewing your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will." 

Apostle Paul encourages us not to be influenced by the world and its ways but instead to have our minds transformed and renewed by God's truth. This way, we can better understand and discern God's will for our lives. The human mind is a remarkable creation, a divine gift.

Its potential and ingenuity are unrivaled by anything else on this planet. Our thoughts, emotions, words, attitudes, and actions are all products of our minds. It shapes who we are and what we accomplish. Seeking guidance from our creator, God, is wise.

To accomplish this, we must align our thoughts with the teachings of God and allow His Spirit to influence us. Through this process, God grants us wisdom and enables us to perceive situations as He does - seeing beyond the surface. This clarity of thought allows us to discern right, wrong, sound, and best.

However, clear and focused thinking only occurs naturally. It requires intentional effort and continuous maintenance. Therefore, we must carefully evaluate the information we allow into our minds. Ask yourself: Does this contribute to my growth as the person God intended me to be, or does it hinder my progress?

While we are responsible for actively participating in our transformation, the Lord ultimately renews our minds. True change demands that we rely entirely on Him rather than our own abilities and strength. So, let us pray to God for His assistance, leaning on Him for support and saturating our minds with His Word.

When we fill our minds with God's Word, we equip ourselves with the tools to navigate life's challenges. It serves as a compass, guiding us toward making decisions that align with His will. The more we immerse ourselves in Scripture, the more we understand His character and desires.

In addition to filling our minds with God's Word, we must also be mindful of the influences we allow into our lives. The media we consume, the conversations we engage in, and the relationships we cultivate can all impact our thought processes. Evaluating whether these inputs uplift and edify or hinder our spiritual growth is crucial.

Furthermore, maintaining a clear mind requires discipline and self-control. We must actively reject negative thoughts, worry, and fear, replacing them with faith, hope, and trust in God. This may involve regularly praying, meditating, and seeking wise counsel from fellow believers.

It is important to remember that the transformation of our minds is a continuous process. We may stumble but we can always turn to God for guidance and strength. He is faithful to renew our minds and help us grow in our relationship with Him.

As we strive to keep a clear mind, let us remember that it is not solely for our own benefit. When our minds are aligned with God's Word, we become vessels through which His love, grace, and truth can flow to others. We can positively impact those around us, shining His light in a world that desperately needs it.

So, let us commit to keeping a clear mind, surrendering our thoughts and desires to God, and allowing Him to transform us from the inside out. With His guidance, we can experience the fullness of life and purpose that He has intended for us.

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