Why Do We Say Amen?

Why Do We Say Amen?
By Pastor Alexander Redd
June 1, 2023

Jesus frequently used the word "amen" to emphasize his statements, which means "truly" or "verily" when translated. In Isaiah 65:16, God is referred to as "the God of truth" (or "the God of amen" in Hebrew). In the Gospel of John, the phrase "Verily, verily" (or "Truly, truly") is also repeated.

Have you ever wondered what "amen" means when we say it? "Amen" is a way to express agreement and affirmation, commonly used at the end of a prayer or statement. Saying "amen" is a powerful way to connect with others, support their beliefs or thoughts, and reinforce our shared values.

You may wonder where the Bible mentions using "amen" in the church. In Nehemiah 8:5-6, Ezra blesses God, and everyone agrees with an audible "Amen," signifying their agreement and joining in the blessing. Similarly, the church in Corinth said "amen" after giving thanks
(1Corinthians 14:16).

The word "amen" appears over 70 times in the Old Testament and continues to be used in the New Testament. It is typically used to confirm something that has been said or to express agreement. One of the Bible's most well-known uses of "amen" is at the end of The Lord's Prayer, which confirms the words spoken and acknowledges that God's will be done.

Overall, "amen" is a powerful and meaningful word used throughout the Bible and in everyday conversation to agree, confirm words that have been spoken, and acknowledge the power of God. Many of Paul's letters in the scriptures end with him saying "amen" (Romans 16:27; Galatians 6:18; Philippians 4:20; 1 Timothy 6:16; 2 Timothy 4:18).

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