The Truth Above All Else

The Truth Above All Else
Devotion by Pastor Alexander L. Redd
June 26, 2024

"...we must rather obey God rather than human beings...
(Acts 5:29 NIV).

It becomes a shared experience where absolute truth varies from person to person, and opinions often carry more weight than facts. The Bible teaches us to be loyal to God and His truth, even if it means going against widespread expectations. The key to avoiding tyranny is to prioritize the truth over honoring individuals.

In Acts 5:29, we see how Peter and the apostles bravely faced persecution for preaching the gospel. When the religious authorities told them to stop teaching in Jesus' name, Peter firmly said, "We must obey God rather than people." Peter knew honoring God's truth was more important than people's praise. Their obedience to God's truth led to the spread of the gospel and changed many lives. I remember a time when I had to make a similar choice.

When asked to lead a human rights event in Oakland, California, I was given one condition: not to mention the name of Jesus in my prayers. I had a tough decision because I didn't want to compromise my faith, but I also wanted to advocate for human rights. Ultimately, I stuck to my beliefs and declined the offer without hesitation. The organizers were concerned that mentioning Jesus would offend the diverse audience, but they eventually allowed me to practice my faith. This experience taught me the importance of prioritizing absolute truth over human honor and opinions, even when facing challenges.

Similarly, Paul says pleasing God is more important than pleasing people. Our main goal should be to faithfully share the message of salvation, regardless of others' reactions (1 Thessalonians 2:4). We must remain faithful to the truth for the message to maintain its strength and impact. When we place a higher value on people's honor rather than on absolute truth, we open the door for tyranny to gain control in our lives and society.

This is an important reality to consider. Valuing others' opinions and honor over the absolute truth can make us more vulnerable to being influenced, making compromises, and losing our moral values. We find genuine freedom and security when we fully understand and hold onto the unchanging truth of God's Word.

Jesus Christ said that he is the way, the truth, and the life and that no one can come to God except through him (John 14:6). Therefore, Jesus embodies absolute truth and encourages us to be the guiding light in a world that values popularity and conformity over absolute truth. We must not just speak the truth, but live it, even when it is unpopular or goes against cultural norms. Our loyalty should always be to His Word, as He alone is the source of absolute truth. This loyalty is not a light commitment, but a steadfast dedication to the highest truth.

Pause and reflect on the areas in your life where you may have compromised truth to gain acceptance or honor from others. We all face this challenge. But today, commit to prioritizing truth and standing firmly in God's unchanging Word with courage. As we do this, let's trust in the power of God's truth and believe that God will use us to transform our lives, communities, and society, bringing about a world where absolute truth reigns supreme.

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