Pastor Redd's Collection of Books Available

Pastor Alexander Redd's published books are available on and
"Never Be Like Your Enemy" is a compelling book that explores the profound concept of rising above our enemies instead of mirroring their actions. Focusing on the timeless teachings of Christ, the book underscores the importance of loving our enemies, practicing forgiveness, and embodying integrity to reflect the character of Jesus.
In a world plagued by conflict and the darkness of the heart, this book is a guiding light, encouraging us to become beacons of God's peace and hope. Dr. Alexander L. Redd fills his book with captivating stories and powerful examples to inspire us to embrace virtues and discover the boundless power of God's love and forgiveness in our lives and relationships with others.

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Books for Sale

These books are available for purchase
In "Liberia's Search for Freedom: Uniting a Nation, Guided by Faith," the author offers a compelling vision for Liberia's future. With a deep understanding of the nation's history, culture, and challenges, a roadmap is provided for reconciliation, cohesion, and accountability. The book is a call to action and a source of inspiration for all those who believe in the transformative power of faith and unity.
Do you ever feel the need for peace amidst life's chaos? Do you long for a tranquil oasis amidst the stormy seas of your daily routine? If you do, rest assured that you are not alone. The desire for inner tranquility and contentment is a universal longing in a world filled with conflict, anxiety, and turmoil. But there is hope. In the book "Daily Living in God's Peace," we will be guided towards the serene shores of God's peace.

Have you ever paused to consider the magnitude of your existence? Have you ever wondered why you are here among the billions of people who inhabit this vast planet? What is your purpose? These questions have haunted humanity since the dawn of time, lingering in the depths of our souls, begging for answers. This book, "Stepping into Your True Self" will help you explore the truth within yourself.
In "Becoming An Agent of Change," provides practical guidance on becoming a proactive advocate for justice, particularly for individuals and marginalized groups who face systemic barriers and injustices. The author encourages readers to recognize and address their privileges and challenges, amplify the voices of those most affected by inequality, and strive to create a fair and flourishing society. 
"Cultivating Liberia's National Pride" is a captivating book that takes readers on a journey to the heart of Liberia. This country has faced numerous struggles in its quest for freedom. The author, Dr. Alexander L. Redd, a former Liberian journalist and now pastor at Gracious Hope Bible Fellowship in Wisconsin, shares inspiring stories of resilience and determination, highlighting the importance of national pride in shaping individual and collective identities. The book discusses the erosion of trust in Liberia's institutions and leadership, with a call for accountability and active participation in the political process to rebuild trust and restore national pride through faith in God. Additionally, the author emphasizes the need to inspire the younger generation and reclaim a sense of belonging and purpose. Overall, the book is a call to action for all Liberians to work towards a brighter future and create a nation they can be proud of.