Think and Grow Rich

Think and Grow Rich
Devotion by Alexander Redd
December 29, 2023

 "Those who trust in their riches will fall, but the righteous will thrive like a green leaf" (Proverbs 11:28).

The Bible tells us that relying on our riches can be risky. Instead, it encourages us to focus on our spiritual health and character more than our material wealth. In a world where being rich and owning a lot of things often means you're successful and happy, real wealth comes from having a heart full of faith and generosity. This is a very important Bible lesson that can improve our lives.

Jesus once said in Luke 12:15, "Be careful! Watch out for all kinds of greed. Life is not measured by how much you own." So, our value as people comes from something other than what we own or how much money we have. It comes from our relationship with God and our character.
Relying too much on money and things can trick us into thinking we're better than others. As famous actor Morgan Freeman once said, "When we do this, we become the poorest person on earth." We need to avoid thinking like this.

In Matthew 6:19-21, Jesus teaches us more about this. He says, "Don't store up treasures here on earth... Store your treasures in heaven... Wherever your treasure is, there your heart and thoughts will also be." We shouldn't focus on getting rich here on earth. Instead, we should invest in things that will last forever.

When we let our money and things define us, we can get stuck in a cycle where we always want more and are never happy. We might start thinking we're better than others just because we have more. But this thinking blinds us to the real riches in life – like love, kindness, and genuine relationships.

Proverbs 11:28 warns us about this, saying that trust in your money, and down you go! But the godly flourish like leaves in spring. If you rely on your wealth and things, it can lead to spiritual poverty. It can stop you from really thriving in your relationship with God and others.

Real wealth and abundance come from a heart full of faith and generosity. 1 Timothy 6:17-19 says, "Tell those who are rich... to use their money to do good... Then they will be storing up their treasure as a good foundation for the future so that they may take hold of real life." Being compassionate means using what you have to help others and change the world positively.
When you understand that real wealth comes from a heart full of faith, generosity, and love, you realize that things are temporary. You stop comparing yourself to others based on what you have. You start seeing the value of every person.

Remember, a heart full of thankfulness, happiness, and generosity is worth more than any amount of money or possessions. It is a heart that is truly rich. When we focus on our spiritual health and character, we cultivate a sense of contentment and fulfillment that cannot be attained through material wealth alone.

This mindset also allows us to prioritize what truly matters in life. Instead of chasing after fleeting riches, we invest in relationships, experiences, and acts of kindness that bring lasting joy and fulfillment. We recognize the importance of love, kindness, and genuine connections with others.

Moreover, when you approach life with a heart full of faith and generosity, you become a source of light and hope in the world. You use your resources, whether they are financial or otherwise, to uplift and support those in need. You understand the size of our bank accounts does not measure that true wealth but the impact we have on the lives of others.
Living a life of faith and generosity also allows you to experience the true abundance of aligning yourself with God's purpose. You understand that your possessions are not truly yours but blessings entrusted to you. You become good stewards of what you have, using it to bless others and further God's kingdom on earth.

In the end, true fulfillment and happiness do not come from accumulating money or possessions. Rather, our true wealth is determined by the state of our hearts and how we live out our faith and generosity. So, cultivate a heart full of faith, generosity, and love, knowing that in doing so, you are accepting the most valuable treasures life has to offer.

Learn more when you get a copy of Pastor Alexander Redd's new books, "Daily Living in God's Peace" and "Stepping into Your True Self." Available at and

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