Biblical Tips for Resolving Conflict

Biblical Tips for Resolving Conflict Among Believers in Christ
By Pastor Alexander Redd
September 20, 2023

(Matthew 18:15)
Conflict is inevitable in human relationships, and even believers in Christ are not exempt from experiencing conflicts. However, as followers of Jesus, we are called to approach conflicts with wisdom, humility, and the desire for reconciliation. Here are some biblical tips on how believers can resolve conflicts in a Christ-like manner.

1. Seek God's Wisdom:
Begin by seeking God's wisdom through prayer and studying His Word. James 1:5 reminds us that if we lack wisdom, we can ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault. Allow the Holy Spirit to guide your thoughts, words, and actions during the conflict resolution process.

2. Address the Issue:
Do not ignore or avoid the conflict. Instead, address the issue with honesty, humility, and love. Matthew 18:15 instructs us to go directly to the person involved and discuss the problem privately. Avoid gossiping or involving others unnecessarily, as it may escalate the conflict further.

3. Listen with Empathy:
Listen attentively to the other person's perspective when engaging in conflict resolution. Proverbs 18:13 reminds us that answering before listening is both foolish and shameful. Seek to understand their feelings, concerns, and experiences without interrupting or becoming defensive. Showing empathy and respect can foster understanding and pave the way for resolution.

4. Speak the Truth in Love:
When expressing your own thoughts and feelings, do so with kindness, gentleness, and respect. Ephesians 4:15 encourages us to speak the truth in love, leading to the growth and reconciliation of the body of Christ. Avoid using harsh or accusatory language that can further damage the relationship.

5. Forgive and Seek reconciliation:
As believers, we are called to forgive others as Christ has forgiven us (Colossians 3:13). Forgiveness is essential for resolving conflicts and restoring relationships. Even if the other person is unwilling to reconcile, choose to forgive them from your heart and release any bitterness or resentment.

6. Involve Mediators if Necessary:
If the conflict persists or becomes too difficult to resolve one-on-one, consider involving a neutral and mature mediator who can help facilitate the conversation. This person should be someone trusted and respected within the Christian community.

7. Focus on Reconciliation, Not Winning:
Remember that the goal is not to prove yourself right or to win the argument but to seek reconciliation and restoration of the relationship. Romans 12:18 encourages us to live at peace with everyone as much as it depends on us. Keep the bigger picture in mind and prioritize unity within the body of Christ.

Resolving conflicts among believers requires humility, grace, and a commitment to following Christ's example. By seeking God's wisdom, addressing the issue directly, listening with empathy, speaking the truth in love, forgiving, and pursuing reconciliation, we can navigate conflicts that honor God and strengthen our relationships as followers of Jesus.

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