How to Stop Worrying About the "What Ifs"

How to Stop Worrying About the "What Ifs" 
By Pastor Alexander Redd
September 8, 2023

Matthew 6:25-34

In today's unpredictable world, many people get stuck in the "what if" way of thinking. They believe they can only go after their dreams, be happy, or try new things if certain things happen first. This way of thinking can stop us from moving forward and make us worry about the future. The Bible teaches us a different way: trust in God and Jesus Christ. By not worrying about what will happen tomorrow and understanding that God takes care of us, we can truly be free and live a faithful life.

The "what if" way of thinking can trap us. It limits what we can achieve and prevents us from growing as people. By always waiting for everything to be perfect, we miss out on the chance to make the most of now and work towards our dreams. This way of thinking makes us feel stuck and unsure, as we're always waiting for things to line up before we make a move.

The Bible tells us not to worry about what will happen tomorrow. In Matthew 6:25-34, Jesus teaches his followers not to worry too much about physical needs. He talks about how God cares for birds and flowers, which may seem unimportant. If God takes care of these things, won't He take care of us, His children, even more? This important lesson shows us the problem with the "what if" way of thinking and encourages us to trust in God's care.

By having faith and trusting in God's plan, we can stop worrying and feeling anxious all the time. We can be happy with where we are now and what we have when we trust God, who takes care of everything. This doesn't mean we accept things as they are. Instead, we face problems believing that God is helping us. Having faith means understanding that God's plan is bigger than we can see now. Romans 8:28 says, "In all things, God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."

This verse comforts us, reminding us that even when times are tough, God is helping us. He's using the good, the bad, the sweet, and the painful for our benefit. If we remember this, we can find comfort in knowing that our problems and setbacks aren't pointless. They're part of a bigger plan.
The "what if" way of thinking stops us from fully enjoying the present and prevents us from growing and moving forward. But if we trust in God and Jesus Christ, we can move past this way of thinking and live a life of faith and fulfillment.
The Bible tells us not to worry about what will happen tomorrow because God takes care of every part of our lives. By being happy with where we are now and what we have and trusting in God's plan, we can stop the worry and uncertainty that the "what if" way of thinking brings. 
Let's all try to live with faith, knowing that in everything, God works for the good of those who love Him and follow His plan.

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