Knowing Jesus as your Savior through Distressful Time 

Knowing Jesus as your Savior through Distressful Time

Knowing Jesus as your Savior through Distressful Time
By Pastor Alexander Redd
July 10, 2021

"Looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for himself his own special people, zealous for good works" (Titus 2:13).

When we are experiencing troubling times, we seek someone who will rescue us from our distress. The global health pandemic teaches us a more profound meaning about anchoring our hope in someone who can save us. Covid-19 is a bane to society, and the pandemic will scars of grief in the hearts of many. Christians find hope and rescue in Jesus as the Savior.

Our key text for today's devotion tells us that Jesus is the Savior, a title laden with a meaningful biblical background. In Old Testament theology, Savior means a rescuer from enemies in a military sense. For example, King David praises God as "Savior" for delivering him from the enemies during his lifetime (2 Samuel 22:3). Moreover, Savior means a healer and blesser, as in the case of King Hezekiah of Judah, who praises God for healing him from illness and blessing him with the addition of fifteen years of life (Isaiah 38:20). The Lord is the Savior of his people.

He saved Israel many times from their enemies through judges; he would cleanse, forgive, and restore the nation after they repented from their sin of idolatry. Furthermore, God did so that they would know he is their God and Savior. In the fullness of time, God personifies Himself through Jesus Christ (John 1:1, 14).

Christ is our Savior and Lord, even in the clutch of the pandemic crisis and crucible of life distress. Jesus is the whole meaning and understanding of salvation (Galatians 4:4-5). He saved us from our sins, and adopted us into God's family to share his inheritance.

That is why we remain steadfast and hopeful in Christ's promise to return. When Christ returns, he will finally save us from the evil one, bring heaven and earth, wipe away our tears, and heal us from all illnesses and disorders of life.

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