Seeing Beyond What You See
May 26th, 2024
Vision goes beyond what we can see with our eyes. It involves looking beyond our current circumstances and understanding God's purpose for us. It is a unique ability that empowers us to live with inte...  Read More
by Pastor Alexander L. Redd
Don't Give Up, for Hope is Alive in Christ
May 25th, 2024
Hope is more than just wishing for something. It's a strong feeling that comes from having faith. It's like the foundation that holds up our faith. It gives you the strength to keep going when things ...  Read More
by Pastor Alexander L. Redd
The Valleys of Life Birth Spiritual Growth
May 24th, 2024
The truth is that spiritual depth is not found by going around the valleys; rather, through these very valleys of life, our souls are refined, and our faith is strengthened (1 Peter 1:7)....  Read More
by Pastor Alexander L. Redd
Risks of Neglecting Developmental Theology
May 22nd, 2024
Nowadays, many preachings focus more on instant fixes, immediate blessings, and miraculous interventions rather than solid developmental theology. This is a concerning trend in the Christian preaching...  Read More
by Pastor Alexander L. Redd
Biblical Insights for Handling Frustration
May 14th, 2024
Let us view frustration as an opportunity for personal growth, drawing us closer to the likeness of Christ....  Read More
by Pastor Alexander L. Redd
A Battle of Self-Control
May 12th, 2024
Self-control is not a sign of weakness but a strength that allows you to handle life's challenges gracefully and resiliently. ...  Read More
by Pastor Alexander L. Redd
Why Shouldn't I Worry?
May 11th, 2024
Earning something valuable takes time and effort. When we fail, we should try again. Have faith in the Lord and trust the process. We may end up where we were meant to be. ...  Read More
by Pastor Alexander L. Redd
Clear Thinking in a World Full of Noise
May 10th, 2024
Jesus Christ exemplifies the art of thinking clearly. His teachings, parables, and responses to the Pharisees show remarkable clarity of thought and purpose. Consider the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew ...  Read More
by Pastor Alexander L. Redd
Why Is It Hard To Trust People?
May 9th, 2024
They befriend you, especially when things are going well for you. It is difficult to trust people because they may praise you one day and say bad things about you the next day if you can't meet their ...  Read More
by Pastor Alexander L. Redd
The Mysterious Human Soul
May 7th, 2024
The human soul is not just a fascinating subject; it is the essence of our connection with God, interactions with others, and purpose in life. ...  Read More
by Pastor Alexander L. Redd
The High Cost of Loose Lips
May 4th, 2024
Spreading gossip not only hurts the people you talk about, but it also harms you by weakening and destroying your relationships....  Read More
by Pastor Alexander L. Redd
God Empowers Your Vision for Success
May 4th, 2024
Christ's calling brings forth a life filled with vision, purpose, and victory. Embrace it....  Read More
by Pastor Alexander L. Redd
Trust What God Says You Are, Not Others
April 23rd, 2024
You can still win despite the enemy's attempt to harm you. God has equipped you with the strength, courage, and wisdom to overcome any trouble. ...  Read More
by Pastor Alexander Redd
Power of a Positive Mindset
April 16th, 2024
Your thoughts aren't random; they are powerful enough to shape your beliefs, actions, and life....  Read More
by Pastor Alexander L. Redd
A Powerful Prayer of God's Protection
April 15th, 2024
Carry the message of Psalm 91 into your daily life, allowing it to fortify your faith and assure you of the power of dwelling in the presence of the Almighty God. ...  Read More
by Pastor Alexander Redd
Seek God's Guidance for Clarity
April 9th, 2024
Seeking God is not a task for those who are proud in their hearts but a humble recognition of our limitations and their desperate need for divine guidance. It involves surrendering to God's superior w...  Read More
by Pastor Alexander Redd
Christ Is Your Source of Strength
April 9th, 2024
Trusting Jesus empowers you to take bold steps in faith, confident that He will always be by your side and never abandon you....  Read More
by Pastor Alexander Redd
The Close Link Between God's Thoughts and Ours
April 5th, 2024
Our thoughts are like a locked room that no one else can enter. They belong to our individual spirit. Likewise, only the Holy Spirit knows God's thoughts. When the Holy Spirit blesses us, it gives us ...  Read More
by Pastor Alexander Redd