Liberia's Hope Amid Mysterious Killings by Alexander Redd

Nov 13, 2021    Alexander Redd and Suah Deddeh

The list of mysterious killings is endless, given the history of Liberia. However, the latest method used by killers to get rid of prominent citizens is causing panic and fear among Liberians, and the reality of Liberia's character in the eyes of the international community is unsettling. How does Liberia find real long-term answers to decency, economic recovery, healing, reconciliation, and cohesive national identity?
Watch Gracious Hope's Live Podcast on KMTV.LIB with hosts Alexander Redd and Rev. Suah Deddeh on SATURDAY 3 PM CT / 4 PM ET / 8 PM GMT
Special guest appearance: Ambassador M. Nathaniel Barnes, author of Enough is Enough - a recent popular commentary on the spate of mysterious killings in Liberia, and author of Left Brain, Right Brain: Thoughts & Musings of a Servant. He once served as Finance Minister, Ambassador to the USA, and former presidential aspirant.